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The project of adminiatrative assistance for environmental education and performance appraisal in 20

he project has provided the administrative support and implemented the performance appraisal of the local environmental protection authorities. In the administrative part, we have participated in 13 Environmental Education-related conferences, collected the opinions from the participants, and modified related data via the conclusion of the meetings. The second part in achievement of Environmental Education is about to complete 2013 performance appraisal of local environmental protection authorities, build up the principle of performance appraisal of the coming 2014, collect and analyze the budget for Environmental Education founds of local environmental protection authorities. We convened 2 year-end review meetings for promoting Environmental Education actions on 20-21 OCT, and 27-28 DEC.. Through the implementation of evaluation work is to complete the relevant information archiving and performance appraisal for local environmental protection authorities, and the project of performance appraisal to provide references for EPA.
Environmental Education Act, Performance Appraisal